The panel above is from a two page comic I have in Dale Martin’s latest anthology book: Watusi’s Doghouse Funhouse #2. It’s a 48-page black & white digest with full-color covers and is available by mail for $7.00 postpaid from Dale Martin himself. My comic for the anthology is a short whimsical tale about books. I created this comic way back in 2010, but it’s now just seeing print for the first time. (I also had some work in the first edition of this anthology as well.)
HIVE Comics Anthology #5

The above panel is from a 3 pager I have in Hive Comics Anthology #5. Grimalkin Press has been doing some interesting anthologies these last few years, so I feel privileged to be in this collection. You can order a copy of the book in their online store.

Mid-Missouri Comics Vol. 1

The elements
This last month the Columbia Public Library had a comics and graphic novels display up at the library, but they also were giving out blank comic templates for people to draw on and turn back in for the library to display. The panel above is from a comic I drew and turned in for display (click on the panel to see the full comic). I also did a panel on a midmococo jam that we turned in as well.
Comic Slam at the Library

On August 20th I’m going to be at a Comic Slam program for teens at the Missouri River Regional Library in Jefferson City, Missouri. The program is from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Story Hour Room. I’m going to give a presentation about comic jams and then we’ll try to create some various comic jams.
Watusi’s Doghouse Funhouse

I have a one page comic in Dale Martin’s new comic anthology Watusi’s Doghouse Funhouse. A description from Dale’s online store:
It’s 48 pages of all-ages fun, as Watusi the Talking Dog is joined by Doggie & Jilly, Thunderdawg!, Dapper and others. Featuring comics by Drew Boynton, Tom Cherry, Bill Hook, Matt Levin, Dale Martin, Ivan Martin, Mark Morehouse, Mike Sullivan, and JB Winter. With puzzles and a “complete your own comic” section inspired by Milt Gross. Hand-assembled with full-color cover.
Izzy Challenge sale
For the month of December get the complete run of Izzy Challenge for $3.50. That includes Izzy Challenge #1 to #5, which is normally $5.00 in value. Go to the online shop to buy the collection.
Izzy Challenge #5 available now
Izzy Challenge #5
50 States Jam: Izzy Tours America
16 page black and white digest book
Available in the online shop for $1.00 (no postage necessary)